Fear is defined as “an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that something or someone is dangerous.”  It is clear that fear is a strong motivator.  What is not so clear is that there are many types of fear that motivate us continuously, thus shaping our automatic and routine behaviors.  These subconscious fears, which we all have, were programmed into our minds in our childhood.  They are significantly responsible for our view of self, others, and of life in general.  Fear programming impacts what Alfred Adler called our World View.  

Our subconscious fears become a primary force in our mental and emotional health and the quality of our relationships.  Our physical health, in turn, is impacted by these, especially as fears trigger the brain’s fear center called the Amygdala.  The Amygdala, nick-named the “Lizard Brain,” fires up the Fight/Flight/Freeze Response, which is great for emergency life preservation but toxic for our health when we stay there too long.

To learn about how you score on 32 types of fear, you may take the free Fear Assessment here.
